We, the members of Risen City Presbyterian Church, as members of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, in order to carry out God’s mission and move forward together into the next century, profess our life together in Christ and our desire to set forth a united strategy for the work of His church. We express our desire to continue to be a Presbyterian and Reformed church committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and to the Bible as the Word of God.
Rooted in and shaped by a living tradition, we are part of the new creation in Christ which God is bringing into existence. To this end and in humble reliance upon the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, we covenant together to pray steadfastly that God will open doors of opportunity so that we may declare the riches of Christ.
Refers to the Associate Presbytery which was founded in Scotland in 1733 by Ebenezer Erskine, Alexander Moncrieff, William Wilson, and James Fisher. This group was also known as the Seceders due to their secession from the Church of Scotland. In 1744, this Presbytery divided itself into three presbyteries, with the Associate Synod meeting for the first time in 1745.
Refers to the Reformed Presbytery which came together originally in 1638 with the signing of the National Covenant in Scotland. They are also referred to as the Covenanters because of their commitment to the National Covenant. In 1743, John McMillan and Thomas Nairn organized the Reformed Presbytery of Scotland.
Refers to the form of church government that is characterized by the rule of elders and church courts. All elders (ruling & teaching) share an equal voice and vote. The hierarchy consists of the local Session, the Presbytery, and the Synod. Presbyterianism finds its roots in the New Testament description of the first-century church form of government and was formalized later in the works of Calvin and Knox.
Biblical Teaching
Our thoughts about God affect every area of our lives. We are committed to understanding and teaching biblical truths through proper interpretation of scripture. This provides a strong foundation for the individual believer and the body of Christ.
Presbyterian leadership is accountable in all they do in faith and practice, within our connectional form of government.
This avoids legalism or lawlessness, but allows for the grace filled freedom we have in Christ.
Here at Risen City we have a unique discipleship program enabling stronger bonds of fellowship while experiencing the gift of growing along side brothers and sisters in Christ. We are dedicated to fostering authentic and intentional relationship.
The worship of the Triune God.
The Holy Scriptures as the basis for our faith and activity. It is the word of God written, infallible in all that it teaches, and inerrant in the original manuscripts.
Unity with other believers in Christ.
Total stewardship of life, including tithing of time, talents, and money.
Excellence in education and equipping leaders for tomorrow.
Loving and caring for one another and for other people.
Spreading the Gospel to all parts of the world.
Evaluating and changing church structures and priorities in order to meet the challenges of the future while preserving the best of the past.