We believe the Bible is the supreme source of truth for Christian beliefs and living. The Bible is directly and supernaturally inspired by God, thus infallible in every sense. The Bible, above all, is to be the rule of faith and life. It is completely sufficient for all of our needs in the areas of truth. However, for those seeking additional literature,
here you will find a library of well-read books that are all biblically rich and rooted in the truth of God's Word.
Our Commitments
The worship of the Triune God.
The Holy Scriptures as the basis for our faith and activity. It is the word of God written, infallible in all that it teaches, and inerrant in the original manuscripts.
Unity with other believers in Christ.
Total stewardship of life, including tithing of time, talents, and money.
Excellence in education and equipping leaders for tomorrow.
Loving and caring for one another and for other people.
Spreading the Gospel to all parts of the world.
Evaluating and changing church structures and priorities in order to meet the challenges of the future while preserving the best of the past.